Replacing Fear with Peace

There was a time when I was struggling with anxiety and God brought these verses to my mind in a way that I had never experienced before:

Galatians 5:22 “the fruit of the Spirit is…peace”

Colossians 3:15 “Let the peace of God rule in your hearts”

Philippians 4:6–7 “Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication, with thanksgiving, let your requests be made known to God; and the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus.”

Along with those verses came an application — I realized that God is ready to give peace by His Spirit, but we have to let Him. These verses were on my mind for about 10 minutes and then as I was walking through the house, I felt that God wanted me to turn and look at something — so I turned and there was a devotional booklet (Days of Praise). When I opened it, the first thing I saw was “The Peace of the God of Peace.” It had the same verses that had come to my mind, along with the application! It said God will give us peace, if we let Him. (Even the word “let” was emphasized in the same way it stood out to me, just minutes earlier.)

Don’t tell yourself “I can’t be at peace, it’s so hard.” You can choose peace!

Rather than begging God for it, accept what He is already offering you.

Let the peace of God rule in your hearts”

You can pray something like this:
“Father, I surrender this fear and anxiety. I let go and I let You be in control. Have control in my heart and mind. I choose to accept Your peace. You said You are working all things together for good to those who love You, and I know that no matter what happens in life, You are always there and You give me the hope of heaven, where I will be secure forever. I accept Your peace and let You be in control. Amen.”