We know all things work together for good to those who love God (Romans 8:28), but it’s hard to feel that God can use our own mistakes for good. When we’re dealing with regret, there is frustration because we can’t go back and change the past, and we can’t see how it helps the future.
Sometimes that regret comes with feelings of shame and inferiority.
The best solution is embracing God’s forgiveness, and the transformation He wants to make in your life!
In Philippians 3, Paul said:
“Forgetting those things which are behind and reaching forward to those things which are ahead, I press toward the goal for the prize of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus.” — Philippians 3:13–14
Paul probably felt deep regret and shame for the way he persecuted Christians before his conversion. He called himself “chief of sinners” and “less than the least of all the saints” (1 Timothy 1:15; Ephesians 3:8).
How did he move on? By “pressing toward the goal” of God’s calling in his life! You can do the same — shift your focus away from your past failures and put all your attention on what God wants you to do.
Jesus said the way we serve Him is by helping others in need (Matthew 25:31–40). Whatever we do for them, we are doing for Him, and that counts for eternity.
If you’re struggling with self-image because of your past, look at yourself through God’s eyes. Ezekiel 16 shows how He takes away our shame and gives us beauty instead (read here). Realize that God’s perspective is all that matters!
Accept God’s acceptance.
Then love Him and serve Him with all your heart.
This video tells more about dealing with shame: