Reaching the Lost- When You’ve Already Shared the Gospel
Sometimes we have already covered the basics of the gospel (sin, separation from God, Jesus' death and resurrection, etc.) and people are still not showing signs of being serious about Jesus. Sometimes they hear the gospel without the truth sinking in and taking root in a way that leads to real salvation, as Jesus described in the parable of the types of ground (Matthew 13:1-21).
When they are not responsive to the gospel, we may have to help them give more thought to what they’ve already heard, or they may need to hear more foundational principles and truths.
Here are some ideas for opening discussions…
- If they claim Christianity but seem to lack real faith in Jesus (salvation by grace), and you are unsure of their salvation, you could ask, “How did you come to faith in Jesus?” or a similar question about their relationship with and faith in Him.
- If they believe in God's existence but don’t claim Christianity, it could be they are so focused on this life that they don't think about Him much, or they don't believe in hell, or they assume they are already "good enough" or think they "believe enough" for God to accept them. Many people have a superficial belief and don't see the seriousness of their spiritual condition.
- If they don't believe in God, try using an approach based on apologetics to share reasons to believe Christianity. It helps to listen to apologists such as Frank Turek and J. Warner Wallace, for those who have no belief in God.
Another thing we can do is share personal experiences like answers to prayer or ways we see God changing us. Our own testimony can make it personal and have an impact on them.
If you feel unprepared, it can help to write out what you plan to say, including how you would bring it up, especially ways to "transition" from a casual conversation. The more you study the Bible and read or listen to material from Biblical sources, the easier it is to relate a Christian perspective to every area of life. For example, you could read news from a Biblical perspective, and use what you've read as a conversation topic, and bring out truths about God's purposes that are spiritual and eternal.
Don’t be discouraged in your efforts to lead your family members and others to Jesus. Hopefully, the more often you bring up topics that are focused on Christ, the more they will consider their need of Him.