Q: How can a stay at Home Mom Serve God?

A: It's great you are considering God's will for your life and whether there is anything more you can do, even though you are probably very busy.

Our highest priority in life is loving God wholeheartedly and knowing Him (Matthew 22:37; John 17:3), so above everything else in life, we need to prioritize spending quality time in prayer, surrender, worship, and reading God's Word.


You probably know that parenting is a calling in itself, and we are meant to teach God's Word "diligently" to our children, as well as tell them what He has done in our lives and train them in the way they should go (Deut. 6:6-7; Psalm 145:4; Prov. 22:6). We have a responsibility as parents to do our best to point our children to Jesus.


You could also look for opportunities to serve in some type of ministry, since the Bible describes a virtuous woman as one reaches out to those in need (Prov. 31:20). You could try something local that involves your children, like leading a Bible club for children in the community. Or you could volunteer for online ministries like Groundwire.net or NeedHim.org, to share the gospel around the world. Another idea is donating to missions / ministries, to reach the lost and maybe even give toward physical needs as well.


Everything we do for Jesus will count for eternity, no matter how small (Matthew 10:42), so even as a stay at home mom, you are already serving Him by raising your children for Him. If you feel like you could do more, seek God's will in prayer - ask for His leading in your life and trust Him to direct your path, and trust Him to give you wisdom (Proverbs 3:5-6; 16:3).