These videos are all about your recovery mindset- which is foundational to your healing and can’t be overlooked! Realize you CAN heal.
Kayleen mentions “tools” but doesn’t go into detail except for one. So I’ll share a list of tools next.
· Therapy: Changing concepts
For basically any unwanted thoughts in any area of life, we can change our concepts through visualization or re-framing with words. Here is a demonstration of how it works with PTSD:
· Therapy: Imagery rehearsal
· Therapy: Limbic
· Therapy: Meditation
“You are safe”:
Bible meditation:
· Therapy: Left & Right brain stimulation
· Therapy: neurofeedback (involves equipment)
· Tools for grounding
· Tools for relaxation
· Tool: journaling
Journaling is a great way to process our thoughts when we’re overwhelmed. Ideally, try to resolve your feelings and find peace; don’t end on a hopeless note. Here’s an article by a professional psychologist:
· Tool: workbook by Christian counselor Diane Langberg
· Tools: worksheets
· Tools: moving forward with life if you feel “stuck”
· Tools for marriage:
Communication struggles:
Flashbacks/intimacy obstacles:
· Tools for sleep:
Youtube meditation:
Youtube Bible meditation:
Basic tips:
+Imagery rehearsal therapy (as I shared above)
· Support: Christian Living group:
While it’s hard to understand why God allows trauma in this life, He offers us His unconditional love in this life, and security and hope for eternity.
This is a fallen world because of sin. When people make the wrong choices, they hurt others, sometimes in devastating ways. Sometimes the victims become bitter and put others through suffering — which doesn’t resolve their own pain but only perpetuates the devastating cycle. Choose not to be on that side, but instead be transformed by God’s love for you and others.
Jesus showed the greatest love when He suffered and died for us to be saved. We can choose to accept His love and be in a relationship with Him.
If we accept God’s love, He offers us the hope of heaven- which is forever. Without Jesus, we have no hope of healing. The best therapies can only heal the past and help you focus on the present, but offer no hope for the future. Through Jesus, we find security in God’s promise that we will never suffer in heaven. (On top of that, people who seek God with their whole hearts find peace and joy, even during pain and loss.)
“The thief does not come except to steal, and to kill, and to destroy. I have come that they may have life, and that they may have it more abundantly.” — John 10:10
This is one woman’s story of how she suffered every form of abuse and was planning her suicide when God turned her life around. (Long story, but you can start at minute 12.)
If you want to be healed by God’s love,
If you want to live a life of purpose helping others,
If you want hope and assurance that you will have God’s love, joy and peace forever with no suffering after this life,
Trust in Jesus.
And if you have come to Jesus and still need healing…
· Meditate on God’s love for you! Romans 8:28–39
· Draw closer to God (see my article here)
· Apply the mindset, therapies & tools covered earlier
It is my prayer that you find 100% healing in this life, and (with Jesus) eternal life.