Why can't I find a job, and how do I keep trusting God?

Sometimes God might have the next step in life ready but He puts us in situations where we are in need so we can seek Him. It's important for us to be surrendered to Him and see ourselves as His servants, seek His will through prayer to find out what He wants us to do, and then follow in obedience. We need to give up our own way and live for God's kingdom. Matthew 10:39 shows that we must fully surrender our lives to truly find our lives.

I heard a testimony of a pastor who was in a desperate financial situation and prayed for 4 or 5 hours, then God led him to surrender fully, and he immediately saw God begin providing the same day. Sometimes that is what God waits for.

Other times, it is not a matter of doing anything differently, but God may just want us to wait patiently until He answers. James 1:3 and Romans 5:3-4 speak of patience through trials as a way for us to grow in character, and we have the opportunity to let God work in us while we are suffering.

Either way, He wants us to seek Him with our whole hearts - not only by bringing our needs to Him in prayer, but also through reading and applying His Word, surrendering to His will, and spending time in worship every day.