Considering Abortion?

If you’re considering abortion, think about these things:
- Is the fetus literally a baby?
-Is this what God wants?
-Is there another way?

Is the fetus literally a baby?

Yes! Psalm 139 shows how God sees every person from the time we’re in the womb.

Here’s another way to think of it. A baby born at 34 weeks is just as much a baby (person) as the ones born at 40+ weeks. So, a baby in the womb is as valuable as a baby outside the womb, and has as much value as anyone else.

This is an explanation, copied from Focus on the Family:

We all agree that toddlers are valuable human beings with rights. Yet the unborn differ from toddlers in only four ways, and the first letters of each of these differences spell an easy-to-remember acronym, SLED:

Level of Development
Degree of Dependency.

- The unborn is smaller than the toddler, but toddlers are smaller than adults.
- The unborn is less developed than the toddler, but toddlers are less developed than elementary school kids.
- The unborn is in a different location than the toddler, but toddlers can change environments without changing their value.
- Finally, the unborn is more dependent than a toddler, but toddlers are more dependent than adolescents (even if some parents would deny this). And many other born people depend on medications, caregivers, and spacesuits to sustain their lives. They are more dependent than those who don’t need these things.

Who decides when a fetus/baby becomes a person? How can we ever know where to draw the line? One abortionist said “we just don’t know.” I say, leave it up to God who creates life.

Is this what God wants?

God says not to kill. Be resolved to follow His way, no matter what!

Be resolved even when you are afraid. As Patricia Sandoval points out, abortion is based on fear. There is fear about finances, or rejection by family, or missing out on life. God doesn’t want us living in fear. This life is short, and every choice we make has an impact on eternity.

Trust God. Even more than that, surrender to Him. Jesus said, “He who finds his life will lose it, and he who loses his life for My sake will find it.” — Matthew 10:39


What are the solutions?

Contact, a chatline that can point you to resources if you need financial help, and can give you advice for other difficult circumstances.

One alternative is adoption. Although it can be very difficult for a mother to give up her baby especially after birth, still it’s important to be resolved to do God’s will.

Most of all, surrender to God and seek Him with your whole heart, and ask Him for wisdom (James 1:5).


(1) This unborn baby is a living person, as much as a baby at birth, or a person at any age.

(2) God’s will is what really matters.

(3) There are other solutions; pray about whether God wants you to offer your baby for adoption or to seek support for yourself in parenting.