Becoming a Christian

People often assume they are Christians because of how they were saved. They pray occasionally and assume everything they are right with God. However, Jesus said “you must be born again.” There is a one-time experience of coming into a relationship with God. Here is how you can do that!

1- Realize that you have sinned; we’ve all done things that displease God (Romans 3:23).

2- The problem is that sin separates us from God and there is nothing we can do to bridge the gap between us and Him. That means we are lost without Him, without hope.

3- Jesus (the Son of God) made a way for us to be forgiven and have eternal life. He came to earth and lived a perfect life loving others, then suffered and died for us.
“God commends His love toward us, in that, while we were yet sinners, Christ (Jesus) died for us.” — Romans 5:8
“…the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord.” — Romans 6:23

4- Our part is to trust Jesus as Savior, and let Him have control in our lives.
“Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, and you shalt be saved” — Acts 16:31
“As many as received Him, to them He gave the right to become children of God, to those who believe in His name” — John 1:12
“I have not come to call righteous people, but sinners, to repentance.”- Luke 5:32
That means we have to admit we are not righteous but we are sinners in need of a Savior. In Luke 18:10–14, Jesus talked about praying with humility and confessing sin.

If we truly want a relationship with Him, He will accept us!

Just like when a couple gets married and they say vows, we can also make a decision for Jesus through prayer. You can say it out loud or in your mind- either way, God will hear!

You can pray something like this:

Lord Jesus, please forgive me for the sins I have done against You. I have broken Your commands and lived my own way, and I ask for Your forgiveness. I believe that You died for my sins and arose from the dead, and I trust in You to give me eternal life in heaven. Help me love and forgive others in the same way. Please lead me to know You in a real way. I need You to change my heart and make me a new person, and I submit to Your control in my life. Amen.

If you’ve sincerely put your faith in Jesus, He is with you and will never leave! (Hebrews 13:5)

You can grow in your walk with God by these first steps:

    Be         baptized- it’s an outward sign of your faith in Jesus, showing         you’ve died to the old life and you have new life. (Romans 6)

    Join         a church, not only for learning the Bible, but also for being around         other believers so you can stay focused on God.

    Set         aside time every day for prayer and reading God’s word. You can         find Bible studies and sample prayers at this site:

Always keep your eyes on Jesus and follow Him! Through Jesus, you have eternal life and purpose here on earth.