Are my skills given by God?

God has created us "wonderfully" (Psalm 139:14), so our physical skills and mental capabilities are from Him, and then we have choices for the specific ways to use those abilities. It's important to surrender to Him for whatever plan He has for our lives. In Exodus 31:2-6, Bezaleel used his natural abilities, given by God, to serve Him.


Our personalities, interests, and passions can come from multiple sources (environment, experiences, etc.). Our passion for something tends to develop as we focus on it, as Jesus said, "Where your treasure is, your heart will be also" (Luke 12:34), and passions can change as we focus on new interests or opportunities. Colossians tells us to set our affection "on things above" (things that matter for eternity), so we have some control over what we feel passionate about, as feelings usually follow choices.


While it's helpful to recognize our natural gifts, the Bible shows that God wants us to pursue opportunities where we can use our spiritual gifts. Everyone who has been "born again" through faith in Jesus has a spiritual gift and a calling, so consider what spiritual gift and calling you might have, based on 1 Corinthians 12.


The gifts God has given us are meant to be used in His kingdom, to minister to believers and lead the lost to Him.